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What An Abomination!

Danny Clark

Fresh off the press, we've just had the latest Panel to Play from AMG for Hulk's biggest adversary, Abomination. In this article, I'm going to review his character card, and give my thoughts as to how I think he might play on the table!

First, let's take a look at his character card. Before we deep dive into any of the stats on his card, I'd just like to highlight how great the new card art style is, it's been such a positive change and makes the cards so much nicer to look at.

So let's get down to the juicy stuff, and as predicted, Abomination is a beefy boy. 4/3/3 defences is maybe a little undercooked for a 5 threat, but he does have some extra defensive tech that we'll be touching on a little bit later. 7/7 health is probably about average for his threat level, and a medium move and what is presumably going to be a large base. he's going to get around the table fairly well. He is size 4 too, so there's not many characters currently in the game that are able to displace him.

The first of his three attacks is Strike, a 7 dice range 2 physical gainer. Note - this is a gainer and not a builder, so it is limiting his power generation. A wild poison trigger is nice and a size unrestricted push on a wild and a hit is excellent - this shouldn't be too difficult to trigger on 7 dice.

The other gainer on his card is Hurl Debris, this is just a fairly standard 5 dice range 3 attack, there's no triggers on this one, he's just gaining a flat power from the attack. I'm not sure how often your going to want to use this attack, as the Strike is just so much more appealing. The only time your probably going to use this attack is if you absolutely cant get in range for the Strike.

Gamma Bomb is Abominations spender for 4 power, which is an 8 dice range 3 attack. This has an automatic place within range 1 of the target character once the attack is resolved and has a size 4 throw on a wild - which again, shouldn't be too difficult to trigger on 8 dice. More movement tech on an already mobile character and access to more displacement is definitely a positive.

Moving onto his superpowers, I'm the Strongest One There Is! (I don't think he is) is a Size 4 terrain throw for 3 power. The terrain has to be within 2 of him but he can throw this long. On that big base - he's throwing that terrain a fair old distance.

Moving on to Radiation Zone and a superpower that synergises very nicely with the poison that he gives out on his Strike. For 3 power, enemy characters within range 2 of Abomination with the poison condition suffers 2 damage, then any enemy within 2 that didn't have the poison condition then gains it and loses a power. This is a really good way of doing actionless damage as well as messing with your opponents power economy. The superpower Omega Red should have had!

Gamma Mutated Hide is your standard Damage Reduction 1 superpower, with the additional stipulation that if Abomination takes damage, he gains a power. This will really help with his power economy given he doesn't have a builder, along with his Irradiated Strength which lets him generate an extra power in the power phase.

Abomination also has immunity to Poison.

Gamma Burst was one of two tactics cards revealed in the Panel to Play. During his activation, Abomination may spend 3 power to play the card. Each character within 2 of him that has the poison special condition are pushed away medium, any character that is pushed also suffers a damage. This is a great card, it has synergy with the rest of his kit, displacement on multiple models and chip damage sprinkled on top. You'll be bringing this any time Abomination hit's the table.

Did someone say Fastball Special? No, it's You Will Do As I Say, Monster! During George Tarleton's activation (MODOK to you and me) if he is within 2 of an allied Abomination, he may spend 5 power to play this card and he throws Abomination medium. First let us just get the elephant in the room out of the way. How is MODOK throwing Abomination with those puny arms? This must be the MODOK that's been hitting the gym. Anyway, not only is this more movement shenanigans for Abomination, you can also use him effectively as a Size 4 terrain piece here and throw him into an enemy character - and nobody wants to be eating that Abomination! Super good tactics card, and if your running both MODOK (either version) and Abomination, this is probably one your taking with you.

In summary, Abomination is solid without being above the curve. He has some really good features on his card, but is limited by the fact he has no builders. He wont ever be power starved though thanks to some clever design on his card with the extra power in the power phase and generating extra power when he takes damage. As yet we don't know where he's affiliated, but Criminal Syndicate is probably a safe assumption given he has a tactics card with MODOK (the Panel to Play also suggests that he's Hydra affiliated). Wherever he ends up, he's sure to be a fun and welcome addition.

Thank you for reading the article, as ever, keep being Omega!

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